
15 September 2013

Coming up: a new craft

Well, not a new-to-me craft, but something I haven't written about here. I have, periodically, done a fair bit of tapestry (and yes, enough to know that I should really call it needlepoint), and - quelle surprise - have a few unfinished canvases lurking.

John Lewis recently sent me a £5 thank-you-for-shopping-with-us gift voucher, which was rather a nice surprise, and I put it towards an inexpensive frame for better working. The tapestries I have completed are all curiously rhomboid and I've never quite worked out how to stretch them back to something approaching a square so I can make them into cushions. She says gaily. I have no idea how to make a tapestry needlepoint cushion cover, either.

Anyway, I have always used the kits with printed canvases, but saw this picture (below) and am going to have a go at making my own:

My own version of Alice Roosevelt's cushion, that is, not a rendering of Alice Roosevelt in needlepoint. Though the Guardian has published a number of stitch-your-own famous-ish person cross-stitch patterns that I'm sure could be adapted. If you wanted. 

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